Categories: Drainage

Blocked Bathroom Drains Tips & Tricks to Handle Bathroom Plumbing Problems

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There is nothing more annoying than experiencing blocked drain problems in the bathroom.

From a faucet leaking to a leaky pipe, ALK Plumbing and Drainage have tips and tricks up our sleeves to give you a hand with those frustratingly annoying bathroom plumbing problems.

Tips for Noticing House Leaks

There are a couple of easy ways to see if you have a water leak in your home.

The first way is to check your water bills. If your water bills were originally quite low, yet in your past couple of statements it is saying you are using more water than you thought, then it might be worthwhile checking to see if your taps are leaking or if you have leaky pipes.

Another way is to check your water pipes, especially where they are going through the walls, to see if you can see any leaking water. On the walls it will be easier for you to detect if you have a water pipe leak, as the wall beneath the pipe leak will appear to be a darker colour.

Slow Sink Drain and Slow Draining Bath

When it comes to slow draining plugs around your home, generally the problem is due to built up hair and dirt in the plug. Make sure on a regular basis, you clean the plugs and pick out all of the dirt to avoid future drain problems.

Meanwhile, for pop out plugs, remove them from your sink and give them a proper clean, removing any hair and debris to improve the water flow in your sink.

Be sure to regularly clean out your bath and shower drain. Leaving dirt in there for too long could potentially block the drain completely.

Sink Low Water Pressure

The first thing to check when you are experiencing this problem is to check to see if the water pressure is the same for both hot and cold water.

If this is the case, then your problem could be down to the amount of built up limescale / calcium deposits that is preventing the full water flow from exiting your tap.

To solve this problem, remove the aerator and give it a full clean out and then reattach to see if the water runs better.

Low Pressure Shower

If your shower pressure is decreasing, this is also likely to be due to limescale like with sink taps.

To get around this problem, remove the shower head from the hose it is attached to and spray the shower head with descaling solution.

Leave it to soak for however long is recommended and then clean the limescale solution off of the shower head and reattach it to the hose.

Your shower should now work as good as new.

Unblocking Sink Traps

Any dirt that gets washed down your sink drain will go through, or get stuck at the sink trap, positioned underneath your sink.

If you’ve noticed water flowing down the sink slower than usual, it could be due to a blockage located in the sink trap.

To clean out the sink trap, place a bucket underneath, in case there is any lingering water and unscrew the trap.

Wash out the sink trap with clean water and a small brush to help remove any debris, dirt and hair.

Once complete, re-screw on the sink trap and see if the drainage runs any better.

Are you experiencing a plumbing or drainage problem that is too big for you to handle?

Don’t fret, ALK Emergency Plumbers will get that problem sorted in no time.

Simply give our 24/7 local plumbing services a call at 0800 328 2489 (CLICK TO CALL) or 07879 000 300 (CLICK TO CALL).

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