
How to Unblock a Toilet: The Ultimate Guide to Toilet Unblocking

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A blocked toilet can be a disaster in more ways than one. Aside from the potential of them getting really smelly, they just cause a general nuisance within the home.

If you only have one toilet, you’re going to need to find a solution to your problem sooner rather than later. It isn’t always the case that you need to jump straight to calling a plumber.

There are a few home remedies for you to try before you start getting people into your home. A blocked toilet can sometimes be a bit embarrassing, so we’re guessing you’ll be looking for a quick home fix anyway.

To help you solve your toilet issues, we’ve created the ultimate guide to toilet unblocking. Have a read on to find out more.

The Ultimate Guide to Toilet Unblocking

Identify the Root Cause of the Problem

The first thing you need to do is figure out what might be causing the blockage. Let’s not jump to the dirtiest of causes; it could be something so simplistic such as something that might have fallen out of your pocket.

If this is the case, your solution might be as simple as putting on a pair of rubber gloves and reaching round the u-bend to find the blockage. But be careful when you’re doing this. You don’t want to be too forceful and lodge the obstruction even further into the toilet.

Gently start pulling the obstruction forward, ensuring you aren’t damaging the pipe as well. If what you can feel is toilet paper, you maybe able to dissolve it by using your hand. Toilet paper causing the blockage is a lot more common than you think.

Just like with foreign countries, there’s only so much of it a toilet can take before it becomes blocked also. Gentle massage the paper between your fingers to break it apart. It will eventually dissolve between your fingers due to the water as well.

The main thing to remember is to make sure you’re not flushing again until the blockage is completely clear. You’ll only have an even bigger mess on your hands that will be a nightmare to clear up.

If it is something that can be removed, you’ll obviously know once that blockage has been cleared. With paper, you’ll be able to feel it dissolving.

Use Hot Water

One slightly easier technique is using hot water. Boil your kettle full to the brim and take it to the toilet. Sometimes the boiling water alone is enough to dissolve the issue It is easier for things to dissolve when water is at boiling point.

But with this technique, you need to pour it from a height to get the right results. The gravity being forced down the toilet dislodges the blockage, while the heat of the water helps to dissolve it. It is a winning combination.

Don’t Forget the Plunger

If you know for sure that the problem you’re having is coming from faeces then you need to go in armed with a plunger. It is almost guaranteed to free the blockage.

If the block has caused the bowl to fill up, wait for it to drain down a little before you do this, however long it may take. Using the plunger when the bowl is full of water is only going to cause it to splash over the sides.

Once drained, push the plunger firmly towards the start of the u-bend. Then slowly pull it back towards you before pushing it down firmly again. After around ten times the blockage should become free and you’ll hear water trickling down the pipes again.

When you’ve heard that noise, test it by flushing the toilet. The water should now be draining freely. If not, we’re onto the next solution.

Try a Thick Bleach

In a last-ditch attempt, you could just try using a thick bleach solution to see if that will dissolve the blockage. If not, then your problem could lie elsewhere. The drains that feed out from your toilet and into manholes can so easily become blocked.

There are two different manholes that you’ll be able to find. The first is the surface water manhole which collects water from your gutters. During times of bad weather, which we’ve been having a lot of recently, it is easy enough for this to become blocked.

Blocked Manholes

If this is what is causing your problem, then it has most likely become blocked with leaves or other debris that can easily be cleared away. You’ll know when you’ve reached the surface water manhole as the smell will be a lot more pleasant.

If you’re looking for a more unpleasant smell, the foul water manhole is the one you’re looking for. Dislodging a blockage from this area is definitely not glamorous, and it won’t just be your waste that is passing through this system.

The whole street will have contributed to the blockage of this, and it is likely that a few people in the street are experiencing the same issue you are. To clear this, you will need a drain rod. These can be purchased over the internet.

The rod is about a meter in length and has different fittings on the end to help remove the blockage. You will need to feed the rod into the manhole and feel around until you find the blockage.

Prod at it until you feel it come loose. It won’t take long to do, and your toilet will be draining freely before you know it. If a blockage like this is severe enough it does have the potential to flood homes with waste, and even the street if it is coming out of the manhole.

A job like this can be done by a professional, usually someone who works for the council. But a quick fix can be done by you as well.

If All Else Fails…

If all of that fails, it is most likely going to be a job for an emergency plumber to sort. Sometimes toilets just become faulty, and you might find you need some parts replacing for it to flush properly again. The more modern your toilet, the fewer problems you’re likely to have.

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