Categories: Drainage

6 Unusual Blocked Drain Causes – What Causes a Blocked Drain

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Blocked drains are an everyday household annoyance.

Common problems you may experience with your clogged drains are likely to be caused by a buildup of hair or food.

However, surprisingly enough drain clogs can actually be far more interesting than you may realise.

If you want to know the answer to the question, “what causes a blocked drain” then we could be here all day, alternatively if you want to know unusual causes of blocked drains, read ahead.

Read on to find out the top 6 unusual blocked drain causes.

1. Cat Litter

While our furry and purry little cats are adorable and entertaining pets that keep us company, their litter can become a right nuisance.

For people who try and take the quicker route to clean out their cat’s litter box, by chucking the litter down the toilet or the sink, this can be a massive problem for the drainage system, not just because it’s a weighty solid item, but because in cases of clumping litter, it can cause a massive obstruction in the drains and the need for blocked drain services.

2. Cement

Cement can be a handy tool, used in DIY sometimes to block drains that are no longer in use, however problems can occur when that cement ends up in a drain that is still in use.

As cement has been designed to be a solid and hard to move substance, it can easily cause a drain blockage in running drainage pipes and end up costing you a lot of money for an emergency drain expert to fix.

3. Mobile Phones

There are common incidents where mobiles are accidentally dropped in the bath, shower and sink.

However, one of the main problems occurs when they are dropped in the toilet.

Unsurprisingly, a phone down the toilet is likely to cause a clogged toilet and therefore, massive problems for your drain system.

4. Toys

Kids, whether it is on purpose or by accident, generally end up dropping a toy or even food down the toilet.

While at first, it may seem like there are no problems, gradually if these actions are repeated, they can cause a blocked toilet and the need for you to call out for plumbing services to assist in cleaning clogged drains.

5. False Teeth

If your Nan or Grandad ever lose their false teeth, one place to check is the toilet.

It is in unusual cases that we will find a pair causing a blocked drainage system, but it is possible!

If you ever find a pair of false teeth down the toilet, save yourself the time and money of calling out the toilet plumbing services and instead try and retrieve the item before it’s too late.

6. Animals

Other interesting cases of drainage system blockages, can include animals.

Small critters such as rats, mice and kittens that can fit in drains can cause blockages, leaving you to call a plumber to complete the joyous job of clearing a blocked drain.

One of the most common animals to cause a blocked drain problem, are snakes.

If you need help to clear a blocked drain, give our emergency plumbers a call today on 0800 328 2489 (CLICK TO CALL) or 07879 000 300 (CLICK TO CALL).

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